Harshina Brijlall Healthy forest, healthy water: Climate change impacts on water quality and treatability PDF
Anna-lise Bissola Climate change and health: Impacts of the water crisis on the physical and psychological well-being of Indigenous Peoples PDF
Ivana Nad Spotlight on careers with Dr. Peter Berry: Climate change and health are primary concerns of Canadian researchers: Developing policies and adaptation programs to mitigate climate change impact on health PDF
Sarah Shawky Spotlight on careers with Dr. Lindsay McCunn: Intersecting Environmental Psychology, Architecture, and Climate PDF
Ivana Nad Spotlight on careers with Dr. Budong Qian: Canada will meet climate change with warm season crops PDF
Tanya Sharma Interview with Peter Moller: Technology for sustainability: Helping farmers save water with innovation, listening & creativity PDF
Pallavi Mukherjee Interview with Dr. Shelir Ebrahimi: Climate change and wastewater treatment – a dive into a mentor’s life PDF
Ilne Barnard The impact of climate change on Indigenous women: Insight into female leadership in earthly stewardship PDF
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Atharv Joshi, Mary Grannary Understanding the impacts of climate change on the Northern Inuit community PDF
Tasha-Aliya Kara, Lindsay A. Lo, Ipek Tezol, Nicole Spence The June 2021 British Columbia heat dome: A social autopsy PDF
Ella Korenvain Natural disasters disproportionately affect populations and regions: A disaster analysis of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami PDF
Amama Khairzad, Bilal Khan, Sonia Sharma, Olivier Yong Evaluating limitations of current policies addressing climate change-induced food insecurity: A narrative review in the context of late menarche in African females PDF
Emily Lind, Eric Lind Trends in youth climate change research highlight strengths and areas of improvement in canadian STEM outreach programs PDF
Jasmine C. Mah, Prativa Baral, Kowan T. V. O’Keefe Western Canada’s 2021 heatwave will happen again: Why we need to better protect older adults PDF
Kathleen P. Nolan Perspective: The need for interdisciplinary solutions to climate change exemplified by harmful algal blooms PDF
Elizabeth Porter, Michelle Beltran, Shoshanah Jacobs Curricular nature-based learning in higher education to support mental and environmental health PDF
Kathryn Stone, Nila Joshi The psychological impacts of climate change on Indian farmers and the danger of the farm bills PDF
Diego Rodolfo Sánchez Vázquez, Jonathan Simkin, Adam Raymakers Disruptions to the delivery of cancer services resulting from climate change: A British Columbia perspective PDF