Copyright Policy
By signing the Health Science Inquiry publication agreement, authors agree to the following:
The work has not been previously published in any format;
Health Science Inquiry is granted the royalty-free right to publish and disseminate the work in current and future formats;
The work will be published in Health Science Inquiry under a Creative Commons licence. Health Science Inquiry encourages authors to publish the work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0) that allows others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the Author(s) for the original creation. Authors may however choose to have their work distributed under any of the Creative Commons licenses currently available by specifying their preferred licence in the publication agreement. A description of the Creative Commons licences is available here:
Authors retain their copyright, including the right to subsequently publish or disseminate their work elsewhere, provided that they make reasonable efforts to ensure that the publication in Health Science Inquiry is acknowledged.
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Unless otherwise specified, authors guarantee that all parts of the submission are the author’s original work. Submissions containing evidence of plagiarism will not be eligible for publication.